Business Efficiency Consulting Services, Inc.
BECS Vision is to develop alliances with Business Owners, Investors, Engineers, and Energy Service Companies while providing a broad range of Energy Efficiency Services and Solutions in New York, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean. Our alliances allow us to provide Products and Services including Design, Financing, and Implementation of Energy Savings Projects, Retrofitting, Energy Conservation, Energy Infrastructure Outsourcing, Tenant Billing Services, Utility Bill Management, Risk Management, Behavioral Engagement, and Gamification, among others.
At this given time we are working on the following initiatives in Puerto Rico:
Partnership with EPA’s Energy Star Team
Developing a White Paper on Energy Efficiency and Financing Business Models for Puerto Rico
Forming the Puerto Rico Energy Efficiency Alliance with the intent of participating in the 2015 Better Buildings Challenge which includes entities like:
Energy Saving Companies
Equipment Manufacturers
Financial Institutions
Capital Investors
System Integrators
Non Profit Organizations
Green Building Council Caribbean Chapter (Non Profit)
Foundation for Puerto Rico (Non Profit)
Energy Star Appliance Vendors and Distributors
Establishing alliances with Capital Investment Corporations (ie: Merrill Lynch, UBS, etc.) pursuing the development of Energy Efficiency Investment Products to promoting Green Revolving Funds to promoting Private Funding for:
Energy Efficiency Retrofit Projects
EE ESCO Performance Contract Projects
EE Funding for E-Savings ESA Projects
Alternate Energy Projects
Developing Energy Efficiency Pilot Projects by Vertical Market including:
Commercial Real Estate
Food & Service
Higher Education
Public Buildings
Establishing alliances with Retailers and Vendors that sell Energy Star rated appliances in order to creating their profiles under Portfolio Manager in order to offering rebates, discounts, and other incentives to purchasing Energy Star Appliances.
Developing relationships with local public leaders to promoting legislation for Energy Efficiency, Energy Conservation, Alternative Energy, and other initiatives that pursue reducing our consumption and the emission of Greenhouse Gas Emissions to the Atmosphere
Submitting Proposals for Grants under the following categories:
Behavioral Modification
Continues Education
Research & Development
Promoting Buildings Benchmarking and Certification through the Energy Star Program and LEED though various entities and non profit organizations